What is SeedSAT?
SeedSAT is a new assessment tool under first year beta-development to collaboratively undertake in-depth country seed system analysis with governments and other stakeholders leading to improvements that increase the delivery and use of improved varieties of seed. The tool is intended to leverage, not duplicate, the information aggregated from existing resources and assessments (TASAI, World Bank’s EBA, BPAT, and A2Si, among others) and adding additional subject matter expertise to help identify the root cause of deficiencies and inefficiencies and prioritize seed system modifications and investments with strong business cases to raise internal and external funding. This tool is being developed with the support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and with substantial collaboration with the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA).
Beta Version:
The beta version of the tool is being developed through a staged process and in close collaboration with representatives from two countries based on their advanced work in seed systems improvements to date: Ethiopia and Nigeria.
Crop value chains to be assessed include:
- Maize
- Tef
- Sorghum
- Wheat
- Maize
- Rice
- Cowpea
- Yam + Cassava
Reports and findings will be considered propriety to the host-country institutions, AGRA, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and participating respondents (for EGS and commercial entities). SeedSAT will not produce cross-country comparative scores, but will provide each country with tailored reports that will not be made public.